Legal Notice


This website is made available by ARTAN INTERNATIONAL. Use of the website is subject to the following terms and conditions. ARTAN INTERNATIONAL may revise these terms and conditions at any time by updating the ‘terms and conditions of use’ section of the website. Any changes to terms and conditions will take effect as soon as this section is updated.

Before using the website, please read this section carefully. By continuing to use this website, you are accepting the terms and conditions of use.

To the best of its ability, ARTAN INTERNATIONAL strives to ensure all the information available on this website is accurate and up to date and reserves the right to correct content at any time and without notice. As a result, ARTAN INTERNATIONAL cannot be held responsible for:

– any interruption, suspension or malfunctioning of the website
– any loss of data
– any bugs
– any inaccurate or missing information on the website
– any damages resulting from third-party hacking or intrusion and subsequent changes to information on the website
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We look after the personal data you share with us. We would kindly ask you to read our ‘confidentiality policy’ charter carefully, which describes ARTAN INTERNATIONAL Group policy in terms of personal data protection.


The entire website is covered by Swiss and international legislation on copyright law, trademark law and, in general, intellectual property law, both in terms of form (choice, plan, arrangement of content, means of accessing data, databases and any other organisation of data, etc.), as well as individual parts of content (brands, texts, images, videos, etc.). This content, which appears on the various pages of the website, is the exclusive property of ARTAN INTERNATIONAL Group and its contributors who grant no license, nor any other rights, other than to consult the website. The reproduction of any content found on the website is allowed exclusively for information purposes and for personal and private use only. Any reproduction, extraction or any other type of use of this content for any other purposes is strictly forbidden. In exceptional cases, some content (e.g. text, images) remains the sole property of its respective authors.

ARTAN INTERNATIONAL logo, brand and any other creations are protected by the trademark and artistic copyright laws in force worldwide. Any reproduction, representation, publishing or reposting, in all or part, of any content found on this website on any medium or by any process whatsoever (particularly by caching or framing), as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or provision by any third party in any way whatsoever, is strictly forbidden. Failure to comply with these restrictions will constitute an infringement liable to lead to civil and criminal proceedings.


ARTAN INTERNATIONAL is committed to making its very best efforts to ensure users can access the website at all times. ARTAN INTERNATIONAL cannot be held responsible should the website be unavailable for any reason whatsoever. ARTAN INTERNATIONAL is committed to making its very best efforts to ensure users can access the website at all times. ARTAN INTERNATIONAL cannot be held responsible should the website be unavailable for any reason whatsoever.